KAFRIL Unternehmensgrupppe

Content of the website

The KAFRIL Group gives no guarantee regarding the currency, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided on this website. With the exception of cases of demonstrable intent or gross negligence on the part of the KAFRIL Group, all liability for material or immaterial damage or injury resulting from the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of erroneous or incomplete information is excluded.

Any offers made are subject to alteration and without obligation. The KAFRIL Group expressly reserves the right to alter, supplement or delete the website in part or in whole as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend publication of this website without notice.

References and hyperlinks

The liability of the KAFRIL Group regarding any direct links (‘hyperlinks’) or indirect references to other websites which are beyond its control is limited to cases in which the KAFRIL Group had been aware of the content of the external websites concerned and it would have been technically and reasonably possible for the KAFRIL Group to prevent their use if they contained illegal material.

The KAFRIL Group hereby expressly declares that when these hyperlinks were created, no illegal content was apparent on the websites to be linked. The KAFRIL Group has no control whatsoever over the current or future design, content or copyright of linked websites and therefore expressly distances itself from the content of all linked websites that have been altered since the hyperlinks were created. This applies to not only all hyperlinks and references within the section of this website set up and maintained by the KAFRIL Group, but also to all hyperlinks and references contained in posts and messages published by third parties in guest-books, discussion forums, collections of links, mailing lists, and all other forms of databases set up by the KAFRIL Group whose content is accessible and can be modified externally. Liability for any illegal, erroneous or incomplete content – and in particular for any injury or damage arising from the use or non-use of such information offered – will be borne solely by the provider of the linked website, not the party merely referring to the website concerned by means of hyperlinks.

Copyright and trademark law

The KAFRIL Group makes every endeavour in all publications to acknowledge the copyright of the images, graphics, audio files, video clips and texts used, to use images, graphics, audio files, video clips and texts of its own making, or to use royalty-free graphics, audio files, video clips and texts.

All trademarks used on the website and which may be protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the relevant trademark law and the ownership rights of the registered owners. The mere use of such trademarks shall not be construed as indicating that they are not protected by third-party rights.

Copyright for published objects produced by the KAFRIL Group shall be exclusively retained by the KAFRIL Group. Any reproduction or use of such graphics, audio files, video clips or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of the KAFRIL Group.

Legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the website referring to this page. Should any sections or individual wording not or no longer comply (in part or in whole) with the legislation currently in force, the content and validity of the other sections of this document shall remain unaffected.

This website is exclusively subject to the applicable law of the Federal Republic of Germany.